Momo Food Mastery: Learn How to Make Delicious Veg and Chicken Momos


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Momos are a beloved dumpling originating from Nepal, cherished for their rich history and versatile flavors that have permeated various cultures, notably within Nepalese, Tibetan, Bhutanese, and Indian cuisines. These steamed delights, known as momo food, trace their roots back to the fourteenth century, evolving from traditional meat, potatoes, and leek fillings to include a wealth of ingredients like vegetables, tofu, and paneer cheese. The term "momo" itself, derived from Newari, highlights its method of preparation—cooking by steaming.

This article delves into the art of making both veg and chicken momos, guiding you through the process of crafting the perfect dough, preparing delectable fillings, and mastering the steaming method. Alongside, we'll explore how to complement these dumplings with a spicy sesame tomato chutney, enhancing the momo experience. Whether you're a fan of the traditional momo dumpling or eager to explore momo (food) recipes further, this guide promises to equip you with momo food mastery for both novices and seasoned cooks alike.

Making the Dough

Ingredients and Mixing

  1. Combine Dry Ingredients: Start by mixing the all-purpose flour (maida), salt, and optionally, baking powder in a large bowl.
  2. Add Water and Oil: Gradually pour in warm water and a small amount of oil while stirring continuously to form a stiff dough.

Kneading and Resting

  1. Knead the Dough: Knead the mixture on a flat surface for about 10 minutes until the dough becomes elastic and smooth.
  2. Rest the Dough: Cover the kneaded dough with a damp cloth or place it in a plastic bag to rest. This should be done for about 20 minutes to allow the gluten to relax, making the dough smoother and easier to work with.

Portioning and Shaping

  1. Divide the Dough: After resting, divide the dough into small pieces, each weighing about 12g.
  2. Form Discs: Roll each piece into a ball and then flatten it into a disc, approximately 4cm in diameter.

Rolling Out

  1. Dust and Roll: Generously dust each disc with flour to prevent sticking. Roll out each disc into a thin circle about 9cm in diameter, ensuring even thickness.
  2. Technique for Rolling: Use the right hand to rotate the dough 45 degrees between two rolls. This helps in evenly rolling out the dough without lifting the rolling pin off the table.

These steps will help you prepare the perfect dough for momos, ensuring that they are thin enough to hold the filling yet sturdy enough to maintain shape during steaming.

Preparing the Vegetable Filling

Ingredients and Preparation

  1. Chop Vegetables: Begin by finely chopping the vegetables including cabbage, carrots, onions, mushrooms, and capsicum. Ensure they are chopped uniformly to cook evenly.

  2. Sauté Aromatics: Heat oil in a pan. Add minced garlic, ginger, and spring onion whites. Sauté until they are fragrant but not browned.

  3. Cook Vegetables: Add the chopped vegetables to the pan. Stir-fry on medium heat until they are just tender. This ensures they retain some crunch and don't release too much water during steaming.

  4. Seasoning: Incorporate soy sauce, black pepper, and salt for a balanced taste. Adjust the seasoning according to preference.

  5. Cooling: Allow the mixture to cool completely before using it as filling. This prevents the momo wrappers from becoming soggy.

Customization and Tips

  • Tofu Addition: For added protein, include crumbled extra firm tofu to the vegetable mix.
  • Marination: Optionally, marinate the filling mixture with soy sauce and spices for at least 30 minutes to enhance the flavors.
  • Pre-cooking: Ensure the filling is cooked until there is no visible liquid left. This step is crucial to prevent soggy momos.

By following these steps, you can prepare a delicious and versatile vegetable filling for both steamed and deep-fried momos, perfect for pairing with any spicy sauce.

Shaping the Momos

Traditional Momo Shaping

  1. Create Sleeves: Begin by creating a sleeve with the rolled dough.
  2. Add Stuffing: Place your chosen stuffing, either vegetable or chicken, into the center of the sleeve.
  3. Pinch in the Middle: Carefully pinch the dough in the middle to secure the stuffing.
  4. Shape Petals: Join the ends of the dough to form petal-like shapes around the stuffing.
  5. Final Assembly: Gather all four ends and stick them together at the center to complete the traditional momo shape.

Crafting Rose-Shaped Momos

  1. Start with Basic Shape: Follow the initial steps for traditional momo shaping but make deeper pleats in the dough.
  2. Twist and Secure: Twist the pleated ends together.
  3. Prepare for Stuffing: Place three dough sheets overlapping each other by one-third.
  4. Add Stuffing and Roll: Put the stuffing on the prepared sheets and carefully roll from one side.
  5. Open Petals: Gently open the dough to form petal shapes.
  6. Final Touches: Fold the rolled dough into half, stick the ends together, and make a compression in the middle to form the rose butt.

Additional Styles from Hebbars Kitchen

  • Preparation: After the dough has rested, knead it again and pinch off a ball-sized piece. Roll it to a thin thickness.
  • Stuffing: Place the stuffing in the center of the rolled dough.
  • Moisten Edges: Spread some water along the edges of the dough to help seal the momo.
  • Pleating: Begin pleating or folding the edges to create various shapes, enhancing the visual appeal of your momos.

By mastering these shaping techniques, you can create both traditional and uniquely designed momos that are not only delicious but also visually appealing.

Steaming the Momos

Steaming Techniques and Tips

Using a Regular Pot

  1. Setup: If you don’t have a traditional steamer, use a large pot with about an inch of water. Place a heatproof plate or metal colander inside the pot to hold the momos.
  2. Steaming: Arrange the momos on the plate or colander, ensuring they do not touch each other to avoid sticking. Cover with a lid and steam for about 6 minutes.

Checking Doneness

  • Toothpick Test: To check if the momos are fully cooked, insert a toothpick into one. If it comes out clean, they are ready to be served.

Storage and Reheating

  • Refrigeration: Cooked momos can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Reheat them in a steamer before serving to maintain their texture.
  • Freezing: For longer storage, place momos on a silicone-lined baking sheet and freeze. Once frozen, transfer them to a ziplock bag. When ready to eat, steam them for an extra minute or two from their frozen state.

Alternative Cooking Methods

  • Pan-Frying: For a different texture, momos can be cooked in a nonstick pan with a little oil and water. Serve them hot with your favorite chutney or chili oil.
  • Mo-Thuk: Another delicious way to enjoy momos is by cooking them in a pot of savory mo-thuk, or momo soup, which enriches their flavor and offers a hearty meal option.

By mastering these steaming and cooking techniques, you can enjoy momos in various styles, each offering unique textures and flavors, perfect for any momo food enthusiast.

Preparing Spicy Sesame Tomato Chutney

Ingredients and Preparation

  1. Gather Ingredients:
    • Sesame seeds: 3 tbsp
    • Garlic cloves: 4, minced
    • Ginger: ½ inch, finely chopped
    • Red pepper flakes: 1 tbsp
    • Red onion: 1 cup, chopped
    • Canned diced tomatoes: 14 oz
    • Soy sauce: 2 tbsp
    • Lemon juice: ¼ cup
    • Water: 1 cup

Cooking Process

  1. Heat Oil:

    • In a skillet, heat 1 tbsp of oil over medium heat.
  2. Sauté Aromatics:

    • Add minced garlic and chopped ginger to the hot oil. Cook until they become fragrant.
  3. Toast Sesame Seeds and Red Pepper Flakes:

    • Add sesame seeds and red pepper flakes to the skillet. Toast them for about 1 minute, stirring frequently to prevent burning.
  4. Cook Onions and Tomatoes:

    • Add chopped red onion to the skillet. Sauté until the onion becomes soft and translucent.
    • Add the canned diced tomatoes and continue cooking until the mixture becomes soft and juicy.

Blending and Finishing

  1. Blend the Mixture:

    • Transfer the cooked ingredients to a blender.
    • Add soy sauce, lemon juice, and water to the blender.
    • Blend until the mixture achieves a smooth consistency.
  2. Serving Options:

    • The Spicy Sesame Tomato Chutney can be served immediately, offering a warm complement to momos.
    • Alternatively, for enhanced flavor, the chutney can be chilled in the refrigerator before serving.

This chutney not only enhances the flavor of momos but also adds a visually appealing element to the dish, making it a perfect accompaniment for both veg and chicken momos.


Throughout this article, we have journeyed through the rich cultural tapestry that momos represent, from their humble origins to becoming a global culinary phenomenon. We've learned the intricacies of crafting the perfect dough, explored the diversity of fillings from vegetables to chicken, and mastered the art of steaming to perfection. Furthermore, the guide to creating a flavorful Spicy Sesame Tomato Chutney has provided the ideal complement to elevate the momo experience, ensuring each bite is as delectable as it is memorable.

In essence, whether you're a seasoned chef or a burgeoning cook, the techniques and recipes shared here offer a comprehensive guide to making delicious momos that are sure to impress. By embracing the versatility of momos and experimenting with different fillings and shapes, you can bring a piece of this rich cultural heritage into your kitchen. Let this be just the beginning of an adventurous culinary journey, inviting you to further explore and innovate within the world of momo making and beyond.


1. What are some of the most popular types of momos?
The variety of momos that are highly recommended includes Steamed Momos, which are often filled with paneer, vegetables, or soya chunks; Tandoori Momos, a beloved Indian take on the traditional momo; Wheat Momos, which use wheat flour for the dough; Paneer Momos, filled with paneer; Fried Momos, which are crispy and delicious; and Chicken Momos, which are filled with chicken.

2. Are momos a healthy choice for a diet?
Momos can be considered a healthy food option as they are rich in essential vitamins and minerals, especially when they contain a variety of vegetables. These may include nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and calcium. Additionally, momos can be low in fat, particularly depending on the type of filling used.

3. How do momos differ from other dumplings?
Momos are distinct from other dumplings primarily due to their dough. The dough used for momos is thicker and chewier, offering a heartier bite, whereas other dumplings typically have a thinner, more delicate dough that provides a lighter texture.

4. Which country is renowned for its momo cuisine?
Nepal is famously known for its momos, which are traditional Nepalese dumplings. These can be either steamed or fried and are commonly filled with meat or vegetables. Momos are considered a staple food in Nepal and are widely available across the country, from street vendors to upscale restaurants

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